The plan
Here's an outline of our itinerary:
- Sunday 11/12 : Leave Detroit, non-stop to Tokyo
- Monday 11/13 : Arrive Tokyo
- Tuesday 11/14 & Wednesday 11/15 : Pickup balloon & vehicles, see Tokyo
- Thursday 11/16 : Drive to Tochigi, refuel balloon and check into hotel
- Friday 11/17 : Event check in, practice flight
- Saturday 11/18 : Master briefing, practice flights, opening ceremony
- Sunday 11/19 thru Saturday 11/25 : Competition flights every morning and evening
- Sunday 11/26 : Cash prize morning flight, awards ceremony
- Monday 11/27 : Drive from Tochigi to Tokyo, turn in vehicles, ship balloon home
- Tuesday 11/28 : Leave Tokyo, non-stop to Detroit